My Dear Friends, I cannot thank you enough for all that our parish community did to make my priestly ordination and first Mass so special and memorable two weeks ago! I am grateful to Fr. Tiano, Fr. Hellwig, and Fr. Eric for the incredible warmth and hospitality that they showed to me, my family, and […]
The 4th graders from St. Rita School went on an exciting field trip to WTNH Channel 8 on Thursday and got a tour of the studio.
Columbiette’s Baby Shower
Hundreds of new and gently used baby items along with monetary gifts were given to In Our Blessed Mother’s Arms.
St. Paul VI Parish Concert
On May 12, 2023, we presented a concert featuring musicians and guests from St. Paul VI Parish in Hamden, CT.
Trivia Night
The St. Paul VI Parish Knights of Columbus want to thank all who attended our trivia night…, it was a blast!
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