We are an international organization of Catholic women dedicated to do God’s work on Earth by promoting unity and Christ’s love for each of us, with a zeal to serve God through faith, hope and charity. We sponsor a variety of events throughout the year for the benefit of our Parish and community. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month @ 6:30 p.m. on ZOOM. All women in the area are welcomed to join. Contact the Parish Office: (203)248-0141.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization for Catholic men, committed to four core principles: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Members do not need to be part of our parish.
Throughout the year they support Divine Mercy Parish by planning and executing the annual parish picnic, receptions and other special events, often in conjunction with the Columbiettes, as requested by the pastor. Contact Frank for further details @ 203-278-6509.
Columbus House
Jesus says, “Feed the hungry”. Once a month, members from the parish donate for a meal for those staying at Columbus House, an over-night shelter located in New Haven. For further details on how you can help contact the Parish Office: (203)248-0141.
St. Ann Food Pantry
Jesus said, “Feed the Hungry.” Our St. Ann Food Pantry is open from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month at Blessed Sacrament Church Campus. All in need are welcome. Please contact the Parish Office (203)248-0141 if you have any questions. Click here to make a financial contribution to the food pantry.
Scouts – Brownies/Girls
All girls in the area are invited to join the Girl Scout Program. Activities promote skill development, leadership and citizenship. Meetings are bi-weekly on Fridays from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at Donnelly Hall. Contact Tami: 203-927-8732.
Scouts – Cub/Boys
Cub and Boy Scouts, boys from Gr 1 to age 18, are given opportunities to participate in activities that promote skill development, leadership and citizenship. Both programs are open to all youth from any town or school. Activities include outdoor events for older boys (Camping and hiking, leadership and citizenship development) and small group activities for the younger boys (skills, hiking, games). Each meet bi-weekly. For further details contact Ed: 203-215-8787.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat of Greater New Haven sponsors a website ( which provides information on the organization, volunteer opportunities, information on becoming a Habitat partner family, photos of completed Habitat homes, as well as those under construction. For further details contact Don at 203 623-9365.
Help us create a welcoming community for new and existing persons in the parish. This includes helping with Coffee & after Sunday mass, socials, offering welcome packet to new members, etc. Contact the Parish Office: (203)248-0141.
School Supply Collection – All Saints Academy, New Haven
Donated school supplies are needed for All Saints Catholic Academy, a K to 8th grade elementary school in New Haven. If you would like to help sort and prepare the donated good for distribution, contact Carol @ 203-288-8592.
Social Justice and Community Building
We welcome members opportunities to help build peaceful, just, inclusive and flourishing communities inside and outside the parish, guided by the principles of Catholic Social teaching which moves on two feet – charity and justice. This committee seeks to carry out the justice side of the faithful walk. For further details call Brian @ 203-589-8888 or Cathy @ 203-228-4130.