Adoration – Monday / 1st Friday
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is a continuation of the worship we offer Jesus at Mass and the key that opens the door to His Sacred Heart. It is held in the church every Monday after the 8:00 a.m. Mass from 8:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. and on 1st Friday after the 7:30 a.m. Mass until 4 p.m. Commit one hour to receive the benefits. As Jesus asked, “Can you spend one hour with me?”
Altar Servers
We welcome children to serve at Mass at our parish. Your participation will not only help the priest and deacon but also provide you opportunities to experience in a special way our liturgical celebrations. Servers need to have their parent’s permission, received their First Communion and be in at least 4th grade. Training is provided. Contact the Parish Office at (203)248-0141.
Baptism / Prep
We welcome the opportunity to help you prepare for your child’s baptism. Baptisms are typically held on the first Sunday of the month after the 11:30 a.m. mass. Our Program also offers post-baptism resources and support. Contact the Parish Office at (203)248-0141.
If you like to sing and /or play a musical instrument we welcome you to share your talents to enrich our liturgical celebrations. Practices are held weekly on Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. Contact Jim Teti or the Office at (203)248-0141
Extraordinary Ministers
You play an important role in the Liturgy of the Eucharist during Mass. Assisting in the distribution of Holy Communion helps ensure everyone recipient is given the Eucharist in a timing and respectful way. Training is provided. If you are interested, have been confirmed and are at least 18 years old, contact the Parish Office at (203)248-0141.
Funerals – Bereavement Ministry
This program offers support to those grieving the loss of a loved one through a process using prayer, reflection, sharing and journaling. contact the Family Life Office at 860-242-5573 or at or the Parish Office at (203)248-0141.
Funeral Mass – Assistance
Help prepare the Sanctuary for a funeral mass, assist the priest during it and the help clean up afterwards. Contact the Parish Office at (203)248-0141.
Greeters / Ushers
Help make our Parish be an inviting and friendly place to gather and worship. As a Greeter / Usher you play an important role to welcome back existing and new persons when they arrive, and to extend a cordial “Good by” when people leave. For further details contact the Parish Office at 203-248-0141.
As a Lector you play an important role in the Liturgy of the Word during Mass. Reading the selected to the assembled congregation is part of a long tradition that we are proud to continue. We welcome students in 8th grade (with parent’s permission, high school students, young adults and others to apply. You should be a good reader and verified by practicing with a staff adult. Additional training and resources are provided during the year. Contact the Parish Office at (203)248-0141.
Weddings / Prep
(ON HOLD due to COVID-19)
This annual Program held in March offers engaged couples a wonderful opportunity to spend time in a relaxed setting to reflect on and plan for their marriage. Some of the topics covered during our program include communication, spirituality, sexuality and parenting. If you are engaged and would like to attend; or if a married couple and would like to join the Team, please contact the Parish Office at (203)248-0141 or email
Wedding Day Ministry
We attend wedding rehearsal and then prior to the start of the Wedding Mass organize the wedding party, line up and timing for procession, assist as needed. If interested in helping, contact the Parish Office at (203)248-0141.